Thursday, January 23, 2020


Ok everyone, let's see what your typing skills (keyboarding) are like.
It is a valuable tool to have and it takes hours and hours of practice to MASTER. To become proficient at keyboarding you should NOT look at the keys, use the proper fingers (thumb for the spacebar) and minimize use of DELETE.

PLEASE HEAD TO and complete a test. You can choose whichever TEST you like, but it must be 2 MINUTES long.
Then follow this link: TYPING TEST to fill out a Google Form on your progress.

The you are going to head over to TYPING CLUB (log in with GOOGLE) and start the Lessons with #1. Remember to use the finger guide!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Welcome to Semester 2!

Hello everyone,

Mr. Byrka is here today as I am not at school until Thursday January 23rd.

Today's class is all about exploring what kind of things are available in Information Processing.  If you click on the GETTING STARTED section  (on the menu bar above) you will find a list of software that students have used in the past. Everything from coding to digital music. Check it out, click on the links to learn more.

Use this class time to explore your options and think about what kind of independent project you would like to try. You will be using Youtube and online tutoirals to learn new skills so you could also spend some time looking for those.

When I am back on Thursday I will explain the first 3 projects that you will be doing (Scratch, Tinkercad, Garageband/iMovie) and how our Independent Projects work.

Have a great class, see you Thursday!
Mr. Walsh